Products sold are not refundable unless you received an incorrect item(s) or any defective item(s). To be eligible for a return and subsequently a refund, your item must be unused and in its original condition, with original tags and/or packaging intact.
Please note that “incorrect item” does not include subjective reasons such as the product not being up to your expectations and/or a change of mind. Therefore, we cannot accept returns because you do not want the product anymore.
If the item(s) is defective, we will accept a return on the item within THREE (3) DAYS of product delivery. Any late response will not be accepted. We will track the date you received your order. Delivery charges are strictly non-refundable.
Refunds on returns are issued after the product has been received and processed. Refunds are in the original form of payment.
Occasionally, we may amend this Return Policy without any prior notice. We advise our customers to review the Return Policy periodically to be updated of any changes. By your continued use of our site and services, you consent to this Return Policy and any changes that may be made from time to time.
Any defective item(s) can be exchanged for a replacement of the same item, if you send us the request within THREE (3) days of receiving your order. If the item is no longer available, we will issue a refund in accordance with our Return and Refund Policy.
Please make a claim via our email within THREE (3) days of product delivery, if you wish to return or exchange your item. We will need the following details if the item is allegedly damaged/defective:
(a) Please explain what is damaged / defective;
(b) A photo of the defective item / damage to the item;
(c) A photo of the outer box with the shipping label intact.
We will then process your claim and respond to you via email within 7 days upon receipt of your claim.
Unfortunately, we are not able to cancel orders. Please only place an order (or pre-order) when you know you absolutely want the item(s). We will not be able to cancel your order should you change your mind.